Skills Intensives and PlayGroups

Individual Intensives
Is your child stuck? Or in need for a supportive push over a hump? Want to keep their skills over the summer?
Don't want to do weekly O.T. but want to really focus on a certain needs in an intensive manner?
We offer intensive of 2 hours per day for 2-3 weeks.
Intensives can focus on sensory processing needs, reflex integration needs, reading skills, writing skills, or listening skills.
Intensive can be done as a stand alone program or in conjunction with our Tomatis Listening Program, our Cellfield Reading Program or our O.T. bodywork.
Repeat intensives periodically for great gains (or as required for certain programs like the Tomatis Method).
Make gains faster! It is worth skipping other activities for a couple weeks. Our work supports all other learning efforts.
Ongoing enrollment.
Ages: ALL
Ratio: 1 student: 1 therapist
When: 4-5 days per week for 2-3 weeks (based on chosen program)
Available: By Appointment
Our newest most intensive program, our ReadWrite Program is a 9-month long customized individual program that combines of Tomatis Method Listening Program, Cellfield Computer-Based Auditory-Visual Reading Intervention, Orton Gillingham Reading Tutoring, and Occupational Therapy.
EMAIL us stating your interest.

Does your child have a minor need? Or just needs a quick boost?
We offer 'Bootcamps' for specific skills such as handwriting, reading, visual skills, physical strength and minor sensory processing needs and minor reflex integration work.
Bootcamps are designed to provide intensive input to help a child turn a corner. Typically done after a period of traditional O.T. or when you feel he/she just needs a 'boost'.
Our Cellfield Reading Intervention is one of our specialty Bootcamp Programs. Cellfield Phase 1 is done in a 'Bootcamp' model for 10 days, 1 hour/day, followed by Phase 2 of weekly 1:1 active and specific reading tutoring/therapy for 10 more weeks. This program is designed for students with Reading Disorders (like dyslexia), as well as students who are poor spellers or have attention and executive function difficulties.
Read more about CELLFIELD Bootcamps on the Cellfield Page.
Ongoing enrollment.
Ages: ALL
Ratio: 1 student: 1 therapist
When: 5 days per week for 2 weeks
Available: By Appointment or as follows for the fall.

Specialty Toddler Playgroup - For all kids!
All children should get to play and move with peers no matter their abilities.
As therapists we believe that exposure to sensory play, movement and language should start early especially if a child is struggling to meet their early milestones. We have developed a fun inclusion playgroup for children with and without special needs (and their caregiver) who may or may not attend a traditional preschool.
During our program, the children will also participate in collaborative play and movement with typical peers while receiving the assistance they needs to be most successful.
Read more on our Specialty Toddler Playgroup page
Ages: 10-26 months old

Movement, Meditation, & Mindfulness
Movement - Organizing the body.
Meditation - Calming the mind.
Mindfulness - Becoming aware.
These are the goals of our unique MMM program. Designed for students 9-13 years old.
Each group MOVEMENT session will work on helping the students learn to better self-regulation and improve their self-awareness by following specific exercise routines to strengthen muscles, align the skeleton, balance the two sides of the body and further integrate reflexes.
The movement portion will be followed up by working on breathing and relaxation techniques to enhance one's calmness and ability to self-organize...MEDITATION.
Finally, the MINDFULNESS portion will inspire students to be present in the moment while self-reflecting on personal goals for themselves.
Weekly group sessions will last 50 minutes.
Ongoing enrollment (as interest allows).
Ages: 9-13 years old.
Minimum class size: 4 students: 1 therapist.
Maximum class size: 8 students: 2 coaches/therapists.
*As class size allows, ages will be divided.

Handwriting Groups (offered remotely)
Handwriting is becoming a forgotten art, yet is a necessity of life. Few schools are actually teaching manuscript and almost none are teaching cursive, yet it is proven to be of great and important kinesthetic tool for learning.
We teach handwriting from a neurodevelopmental approach. Working on the underlying strength and bilateral coordination that is needed to not only write every letter of the alphabet neatly, but to come up with an organized thoughtful written response.
*For fine tuning, not in place of O.T. sessions in most cases.
Ongoing enrollment (as interest allows).
Ages: 5-10 years old.
Minimum class size: 4 students: 1-2 coaches/therapists.
Maximum class size: 6 students: 2 coaches/therapists.

Social Skills & Body Regulation
Self-regulation is tested in all of us every day, but for many students the smallest thing can cause a meltdown or social upset. In our social skills groups we teach self-regulation including how to control one's body in a group setting, how to modulate one's voice according to the setting, and how to express one's emotions without drama.
Our approach is group-oriented, body-oriented and neurodevelopmental. In addition to participating in physical activities and exercises, our student play collaborative games, listen to and tell stories that represent every day life and social skills and develop group or partner projects as a means of putting their social skills into action.
*Usually as a supplement to individual O.T. sessions.
Ongoing enrollment (as interest allows).
Ages: 6-9 years old.
Minimum class size: 2 students: 1 therapist.
Maximum class size: 6 students: 2 coaches/therapists.