Developmental, Learning & Life Skills Checklists - COMING SOON!
Not sure how your child is doing relative to the developmental expectations or suspect he/she has some sensory processing difficulties or learning delays that need to be addressed. Feeling overwhelmed or having trouble concentrating and surviving all your own life expectations?
Use these checklists to help you determine if our services may help you and your family. The more 'no' answers the more your child will benefit from our services.
Call or email us if you feel you need support.
At 1 Month
Momentarily holds up head when supported
Avoids slightly annoying sensations, such as cloth put on face
Some "gurggling" sounds
Raises head slightly off bed or floor when lying on stomach
Briefly watches and follows object with eyes
At 2 Months
Mimics or responds to smiling person with occasional smile
Follows moving person with eyes
Holds feet erect, bobbing, when support while sitting
At 3 Months
Lifts chest and head when lying on stomach
Recognizes breast or bottle
Spirited body movement
Chuckles, coos
Improved head control
At 4 Months
Rolls from side or side
Follows moving object when held sitting
Good head control
May begin to reach
Enjoys play
Grasps object, such as rattle, held near hand
At 6 Months
Rolls from back to stomach
Moves object from hand to hand, hand to mouth
Sits with little support
Babbles more than two sounds
At 9 Months
Sits by self
Unwraps block
Changes position without falling
Says "mama", "baba", or "dada"
Plays with two objects at same time
At 12 Months (1 Year)
Pulls self up, stands
Gives toy on request
Steps with support
Displays affection
Picks up things with thumb and one finger
Follows simple directions with gesture
Stacks two blocks
May say two or more words
From 3 to 5 years
Uses objects and materials to build or construct things, for example, block tower, puzzle dough, sand and water
Jointly manipulates objects with one or two other peers
Talks to self during play - helps guide what s/he does
Uses full sentences in conversation
Shares, smiles at and cooperates with peers
Shows bouts of aggression with peers
Engages in cooperative play with 2 or 3 peers
Engages in dramatic play, taking the roles of 'pretend' characters
Holds crayons between thumb and first 2 fingers
Cuts paper with scissors
Bends elbows to catch a ball and trap it against chest
Washes and dries hands
Uses complex sentences
Gives first and last name, home address
Begins to ask 'why'
Hops, gallops, runs with ease
Climbs stairs alternating feet
Feeds self with minimum spills
Zips, ables to use velcro fasteners
Dresses/undressed with assistance
Walks downstairs, alternating feet
Gallops and skips by leading with one foot
Transfers weight forward to throw ball
Climbs playground equipment with increasing agility
Builds tower of 8 to 10 blocks
Imitates variety of shapes in drawing, for example, circle and cross
At 15 Months
Walks without support
Says four or five words
Stacks three blocks
Vocalizes, voice up and down, sounds like conversation
Some feeding of self
Uses gestures to communicate
At 18 Months
Walks, runs a little
Marks with crayon on paper
Climbs up or down one stair
Partially feeds self
Enjoys pull toys
Says five to ten words
Likes being read to
At 24 Months (2 Years)
Kicks large ball
Recognizes familiar picture, knows if upside down
Turns pages, two or three at a time
Asks for items by name
Imitates housework
Uses two or three words together, such as "Want blanket"
At 36 Months (3 Years)
Briefly stands on one foot
Feeds self
Walks up stairs
Opens door
Rides tricycle
Verbalizes toilet needs
Speaks in sentences
Teen or Adult