As part of our community outreach and program development, M.M.M. provides workshops, consulting and programming to parents, teachers and schools.
Common workshop topics:
The Developmental Hierarchy
Sensory Processing
Fine Motor Skills
Handwriting Development
Executive Function Skills
Organizing Home or Classroom
(Other topics developed based on your needs.)
We periodically hold workshops in our center, but if you would like to schedule a workshop for your school or parent group, please email us.
The Developmental Hierarchy
“Development: From the womb to the classroom.”
From an O.T. perspective learn how children develop.
What are the foundational skills that must develop well for prime academic success?
What is the difference between visual-motor, visual-perceptual, visual-spatial, eye-hand coordination, ocularmotor skills?
How does the body connect to the hand and the eyes?
What milestones should never be skipped or rushed?
How do preschool skills support reading and writing later?

Sensory Processing
“Sensory Processing: Calming the Chaos of Everyday Life”
What is sensory processing?
Learn about the 7 sensory systems that are the foundation to development.
How does sensory processing support academics and overall development?
What’s the difference between ‘behavior’ and ‘sensory processing responses’?
Learn strategies to organize your child for the home or the classroom.
When is therapy needed?

Handwriting Development
“Handwriting: From Quill Pen to Typing”
How does the hand develop?
How do the eyes develop and how does this effect writing?
What about executive function skills for handwriting?
What considered a typical or atypical grasp for my child?
Learn fun, creative activities that you can do at home to support the fine motor and writing development of your children.

Executive Function Skills
“Get all the gears turning together.”
What are the ‘executive function skills’? -Attention, Memory and everything else for making it through life.
Learn all the executive function skills that are important to manage everyday life and to support your child’s development.
Take home ‘top-down’ strategies to improve every day routines.
Learn about ‘bottom-up’ interventions that can improve executive function skills.
Learn about medication alternatives.

Organize the Home or Classroom
“Organize from the outside in.”
Learn why good organization is important for developing children.
How does an environment’s organization effect sensory processing?
Learn tips and tricks for organizing a home or classroom to benefit child development.
Learn what to do if you just ‘feel’ disorganized (inside and outside).