Tomatis® – A Listening Program
The Tomatis Method® is a revolutionary sensorineural auditory stimulation program that changes lives. It is an audio (music) program based on the 60-year old Tomatis Method that was developed by Dr. Alfred Tomatis and is used in more than 2,000 clinics and schools throughout the world.
Because 90% of all our sensory experiences include some component of our auditory system, it is vital for this system to function at its best. This auditory stimulation program retrains the ear for better listening through improved auditory processing. Its purpose is to improve the perception and analysis of the sensory message (sound) received by the body and brain. It is a complementary technique to therapy that enhances results by helping the client better integration the therapy or educational exercise they do under the advisement of a therapist.

Relationships: family, friends, work
Social interaction
Illnesses that cause learning or functional challenges
Motivation, self-esteem and self- confidence
Positive view of life and joy in living
Calmness in pregnancy
There are many benefits of the Tomatis Method such as potential improvement in:
Reading, comprehension, and writing
Sensory overload
Anxiety reduction and stress
Attention and ability to stay on task
Stroke recovery
Focus and follow through
Accidents, athletic injuries, concussions
Communication, speech
There are additional reasons to use the Tomatis Method as a strong support:
To learn another language
To accelerate learning
To prepare for a professional or entrance exam such as the Bar Exam, SATs, GMATS, or MCATs
The Tomatis Method is individualized for each listener—child or adult—and includes the use of patented technology to improve how you process, distinguish, and respond to sounds. These benefits often bring ease of living to those with traumatic brain injury or immune deficiency illnesses.
How is the auditory system stimulated?

How We Help Children

Our Programs

A New Understanding of the Ear

How We Help Adults

About Dr. Tomatis

The TOMATIS® Method is an Educational Program, and is considered neither a medical treatment nor a means to establish a medical diagnosis. The content in this website is for informational purposes only. It should be neither considered as nor substituted for medical advice.